Improve your business' defense against criminals
Introducing our IP based Public Viewing Monitors (PVMs). Ideal for businesses such as retail stores, gas stations, shopping clubs and more.

By prominently displaying the camera’s output to the public, potential shoplifters and other wrongdoers often change their intent to commit unlawful acts. With our monitors watching over your space, would-be criminals are forced to think twice before attempting misdeeds in your business.
If you’ve ever visited some international destinations such as USA, Canada and glanced upwards in various business places, chances are you’ve spotted yourself on a prominent screen bearing the words “RECORDING IN PROGRESS” in bold letters. This device is commonly referred to as a “Public View Monitor” or simply a PVM.
We offer a modern Personal Viewing Monitor (PVM) that revolutionizes your security structure and safeguards your business. PVMs are a proven deterrent against criminal activity.
With our IP camera based Public Viewing Monitors (PVM) gain the upper hand in business, property and asset protection. Keep potential criminals on their toes: show them you mean business when it comes to your surveillance solution.
Our Public Viewing Monitors are designed for easy integration into your existing security system. Quickly configure and control your monitors to your needs and monitor by effortless surveillance management.
With our IP camera equipped Public Viewing Monitors, gain the upper hand in safeguarding your business. Keep potential criminals on their toes and show them you mean business when it comes to protecting what matters.
Act now and fortify your security defenses with our IP camera equiped Public Viewing Monitors. Experience having an internationally proven crime and theft deterrent system in place.
“If the thief sees himself on a monitor as he is entering a business he is planning to rob, he is less likely to do so after realizing he’s already on camera”.
“The Security Guard can’t see everything and he can distracted deliberately. You can’t distract the camera though…”
* Contact us for models with available feature.
Secure your business today! Safeguard your products, fortify for existing security operation, and stay resilient against shoplifters and pillagers. Start today!
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